Saturday 6 September 2014

The best way to learn Chinese

The best way to learn Chinese is all set in your determination and in practice. The language itself is tricky with thousands of sign and symbols which rarely match with the letters in other linguistic systems. The broader differences of Chinese as a language with others are:

- Chinese language does not have letters, it has character symbols where a single symbol can give a full sentence length meaning and or simply refer to a word!

- In English, German, French, Spanish etc languages the verb always sits at the beginning or in the middle of sentence but in Chinese it falls at the end of the sentence! It is not conjugated. Verbs have no tense but adverb to imply the timing.

- Chinese is a tone language – what you say is more important to understand on the basis of how you say it – same symbols can give different means in different dialects.

- The language you are saying as the “Chinese” is actually the “Mandarin” language. There is no Chinese language. In Mandarin there are four dialects – that is a statement you can utter in four different ways to imply four different meanings, okay? Another prominent language in the region is “Cantonese”, it uses similar symbols and signs instead of alphabets and have nine dialects to give nine different meanings of same. Are not they interesting enough?

- A native Chinese learns nearly 8000 symbols in his life time and uses approximately 3500 throughout. If you can learn the symbols in close to this, will not it be the best?

- Source :

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